Sport in Dubai: Dubai has a large western influence and a large number of expats which brings a magnitude of sporting variety. With fantastic facilities on offer to match the city’s surroundings, sport plays a huge role in bringing together all of Dubai’s communities. You can be sure to enjoy the atmosphere and great sense of community spirit when you tour this fantastic city.
Entertainment: In your leisure time there are many amazing entertainment venues and activities, along with fantastic beaches and waterparks. There's even an indoor ski slope!
Best time to tour: October to May.
Currency: Arab Emirate Dirham (AED)
Weather: Conditions for outdoor sport in Dubai are fantastic from October until May. The summer months are too hot for teams to play outdoors, but we run indoor cricket and football summer camps in the summer, should your team wish to take advantage of the cheap summer hotel prices.
Time Difference: GMT+4 October to March, GMT+3 March to October
Language: English is widely spoken
Visas: Visitor visas, valid for 30 days, can be obtained on arrival in Dubai for many nationalities including British. No prior arrangements need to be made and the visa stamp is free when arriving at Dubai International Airport, Abu Dhabi Airport, or other airports. Our team will advise you if any of your players require a visa and if so we can issue them for you.